Yes, I am still here - and a bit horrified at how long it has been since my last post! My only excuses are that I've been lovely and busy with lots of Christmas orders and gallery orders and teaching, and that when I haven't been working I've collapsed into a heap with my absolutely massive bump.
Yes, Bump is still a bump! He or she is due in two weeks time - well, I say due, but they come when they want to, don't they? B was 12 days early, but we'll have to wait and see! Like every other expectant mum I know I'm torn between wanting the baby to hurry up and get here and wanting them to stay inside for as long as they need to - and so that they can have their birthday just a little further away from the Christmas and New Year holidays! I will miss the kicks and watching my tummy move from side to side (B thinks it's hilarious when the baby kicks), but I will most definitely not miss the acid reflux (I now actually like the taste of Gaviscon), the cronic back pain and pelvic problems (physio is helping thankfully!) or, of course, the constant need to waddle upstairs to the bathroom.
Anyway, before this turns into a pregnancy post with far too much information, let me wish you a belated Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! I shall be back in a few days when I'm feeling a bit more organised with photos of some of the things I've been making recently - lots of Christmas knitting!