Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A new blog!

pink typewriter

A lot has changed since I first started bashing out letters on my Mum's old typewriter - and my typing skills have improved no end too! Unfortunately that first typewriter wasn't a lovely pink one like the one above (from Rainingcatsandfrogs on Etsy if you're interested), but my laptop is a lovely rich shade of red.
The most recent change is a shiny new wordpress blog! I've been working away on it whenever I've had the chance over the last couple of weeks, getting it to look very nearly how I want it - which is why I haven't had time to post on this old blog much recently. I expect that I will make a few more changes while I figure out exactly how wordpress works, although I am very pleased with all the different widgets and plugins I can add in - so much easier than blogger! This blog will stay on line as there are lots of tutorials on there, but I am also going to move most of the tutorials over to wordpress and maybe update some photos on them too so that everything is in one place. 

I hope you'll join me over there - I've got a bit of catching up to do over the next day or so with news of recent classes, new tuition dates and my preparation for the BCTF. You can find me over at

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